Tag: Garden


Summer Splendor: Toronto Home Landscaping Guide

Toronto’s diverse climate and urban environment present unique challenges and opportunities for landscaping. Whether you’re a homeowner looking to enhance your outdoor living space or a business seeking to create an inviting exterior, professional landscaping can significantly boost your property’s curb appeal and functionality. This guide will help you understand the design-build approach to create […]
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Tired of Your Boring Front Yard? Explore These Upgrades!

Your front yard is the first impression your home makes, a canvas waiting to be transformed into an inviting oasis. If you’re a Canadian homeowner with a budget, fret not – there are creative ways to breathe new life into your outdoor space without breaking the bank. Get ready to explore four exciting landscaping trends […]
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Outdoor Oasis Unlock the Secrets to Creating an Enchanting Garden

Creating an enchanting garden is a beautiful way to enhance your outdoor space and reconnect with nature. From well-maintained grounds to interlocking pathways and thoughtful landscaping design, there are several secrets to transforming your outdoor area into a captivating oasis. In this guide, we will explore how to unlock the secrets and create an enchanting […]
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Prepare Landscaping For Winter

Five Tips To Prepare Your Landscaping For Winter

As the prime growing season of summer morphs into fall and winter, there are still things you can do for your landscape that will make life easier the following spring.  Doing some prep work now will help make next year fruitful and beautiful.  To help you out, we’ve put together a list of five tips […]
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Watering Landscape

How to Know if Your Landscaping is Getting Enough Water?

With the arrival of warmer weather, it’ll become necessary to water your plants again to ensure they make the most of the increasing sunlight and heat.  But finding the proper balance between keeping everything hydrated and overwatering can be a difficult proposition.  If you’re wondering how to know if your landscaping is getting enough water, […]
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Spring Landscaping Ideas

Top Spring Landscaping Ideas

Spring is the time to start anew.  A fresh season allows a fresh start.  After a long winter, preparing your property for the following spring, summer and fall will ensure you get the maximum enjoyment out of the warmer months.  To help make that a reality, we’ve put together a list of our top spring […]
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Plants To Grow Between Pavers

How to Select Plants for In Between Your Pavers

What pessimists might consider a downside of using pavers could be thought of as an opportunity by optimists.  One thing pavers are known for is the gap between sections.  And while these gaps can be as small or large as the installer wants them to be, the fact is that there will always be a […]
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Fall Landscape Checklist

Fall Landscaping Checklist

Just because the main growing season is coming to an end doesn’t mean that you can retreat from your landscaping duties.  Putting in some effort as the days get shorter and colder will not only create a more pleasant environment come winter, but it will also set you up for success next spring.  Check out […]
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Top Landscaping Trees for All Seasons

Top Landscaping Trees for All Seasons

When it comes to deciding upon trees to use in your landscape design, it’s important to remember that you’re dealing with different growing conditions in each season.  By choosing trees according to their seasonal appearance, you can ensure that your landscape remains colourful and interesting throughout the year.  For some ideas about the top landscaping […]
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Why The Landscaper Is The Best For Your Business ?

It shouldn’t come as a surprise to hear that everyone here at Candide is obsessed with gardening. Which means our spare time is split pretty evenly between playing around in our own gardens and reading about other people’s. With this in mind, we thought we would share with you our top ten gardening blogs for […]
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