Anyone who has any sort of interest in the appearance of their outdoor spaces probably has at least a cursory understanding of what landscaping is. Basically, it’s the activities and processes involved in altering an outdoor area to make it look more appealing. But fewer people know that landscaping can be broken down into two […]
If you’re installing a new patio, driveway or sidewalk, you might want to consider using pavers. There are many advantages to using pavers compared with other materials traditionally used for these types of jobs. Why use pavers for your outdoor space? Here we give you six reasons. Durability Pavers are stronger than most other surface […]
Making your backyard look great doesn’t necessarily require a lot of money. There are plenty of ways that you can go about your landscaping duties without racking up the bills. For four budget friendly landscaping tips, check out this article. Reuse Old Paint Almost every household has a few cans of leftover paint sitting around […]
There’s no doubt that a swimming pool can make a stunning visual impact in a backyard. However, the pool equipment needed to keep it running properly can be an eyesore in comparison. Fortunately, there are ways you can minimize the intrusion caused by all that gear. In this article we provide four landscaping tips to […]
When it comes to installing a patio, there are many different types of materials that you can work with. In this article we’ll go over the benefits of choosing a stonework patio. Durability Stone is one of the strongest and most durable types of materials you can use to build a patio. It can handle […]
When it comes to deciding upon trees to use in your landscape design, it’s important to remember that you’re dealing with different growing conditions in each season. By choosing trees according to their seasonal appearance, you can ensure that your landscape remains colourful and interesting throughout the year. For some ideas about the top landscaping […]
For some, including most children, dandelions are beautiful yellow flowers that brighten up any patch of grass. For others, they’re the scourge of the lawn that grows and spreads way too easily. If you’re in the latter group, you’re probably wanting to learn how to remove dandelions from your lawn. To provide you with some […]
It’s quite common to see old railroad ties used for landscaping purposes. This is especially true with raised garden beds and areas that need bordering. And a landscaper might think, “Why not?” Railroad ties are cheap, incredibly durable and reusing them should be good for the environment. But the fact is that old railroad ties […]
Ground covering plants are useful for those who have to deal with the effects of erosion or have slopes and hillsides in their backyard. They can also be used as substitutes for the grasses that make up water thirsty green lawns. An added bonus with some types of ground coverings is that they can produce […]
Landscaping has the potential to be an expensive proposition. While everyone loves a beautiful backyard, transforming a patch of dirt into an Instagram worthy refuge can cost a lot of money. But a job well done can result in a real payoff, not only aesthetically, but financially as well. It’s estimated that a well landscaped […]